Why your health is a ‘now’ choice

Sometimes you hear something shocking and you need to share it.

A friend of mine was recently sharing how doctors had found he had a blocked artery in his heart and that he needed a stent inserted. They told him he had already had a minor heart attack and that his life was at risk if they didn’t take immediate action. He is only in his early forties so this was something that he just didn’t anticipate happening to him yet.

Or didn’t he…

This is the same friend who took up road cycling a few years ago and transformed his body from fat to fit and he is under no illusion that the reason he is still here is that he had taken positive steps to improve his health and fitness. Yes, he had a blocked artery but if he had continued to abuse his body and not take regular exercise then it would have been far worse for him.

Now is the time to start working diligently on your health, never tomorrow, always now, this very moment, as it’s something that cannot wait.

Take control of your healthy future now by starting a regular exercise program, it doesn’t matter if you start with a short walk every day, do something and do it now.